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Beginning Spanish
Chapter 1 / Capítulo uno
Free Introductory Lesson
The alphabet / El alfabeto
Virtual Syllabus (this may be updated, depending on the need)
Los números 1 - 20 Video (12:13)
Los números 30 - 100: Counting by tens (10:59)
Greetings / Proper Introductions & Vocabulary (45:00)
Emotions and Vocabulary (6:30)
Emotions: Part 2 (How Do You Feel)? - Now Available (22:03)
Likes & Dislikes in Spanish (33:10)
Los Saludos / Greetings (26:42)
Seasons of the Year / Las estaciones del año (28:25)
Families, Friends, and Last Names (14:00)
Likes & Dislikes in Spanish
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